About Us


Hi, my name is Kylie, and I am 12 years old. I developed this brand called "The Black Line" because I have always aspired to start a business and love to be creative. We sell swimmer branded clothing and accessories made for swimmers by a swimmer. I come from a family of swimmers and began swimming at the age of 4. I have been a member of the Greater Monmouth YMCA Swim Team (GMNY) since I was 7. This team has been incredibly important to me, as it motivates me to work hard and achieve my goals.


For swimmers, the black line serves as a guide in practice, races, and in life. For me, this logo symbolizes the importance of pursuing one's dreams relentlessly and persevering through challenging times. The black line pushes you on good days and supports you on challenging days. I believe that everyone should have "The Black Line" in their lives. I hope you feel just as inspired by this brand as I do!